Reiki Refresher
Over the years I have been delivering Reiki classes my teaching has evolved as my knowledge and experiences have increased, as a result the content of my classes and Reiki manuals has also evolved. If you have attended a Reiki course of any level with me in the past would like to refresh your connection to Reiki and update your knowledge then get in touch to arrange a date and time for a one-to-one session. The session will include a Reiju Empowerment and an updated version of the Reiki Manual for the level concerned.
PREREQUISITE: You must have attended Reiki courses and been attuned by me.
COST: From £30 (including light refreshments)
DURATION: Half-day workshop

Reconnect to Reiki
Have you been attuned to Reiki but not used it for some time or feel you have 'lost your connection'? Then why not join Helen for an afternoon of reconnecting to Reiki through Reiju Empowerments and meditations. We will review the history of Reiki & the Reiki Precepts, take a meditation journey to meet Usui Sensei, carry out a self-treatment and group treatments.
PREREQUISITE: You must have been attuned to at least Reiki Level 1 and provide evidence of your attunement(s)
COST: From £20 (including light refreshments)
DURATION: Half-day workshop

Enhance your Reiki with Crystals
I have been asked why I feel the need to use crystals in a Reiki treatment. I have discovered that whilst Reiki provides much-needed energy to support a person when they are ‘healing’, the crystals can provide a trigger to facilitating changes, which may be required to bring about a sense of balance and harmony. This workshop is a day of discovering how the vibrational energy of crystals can be used to enhance a Reiki treatment and how the differing energies of Reiki & crystals can work together.
PREREQUISITE: You must have been attuned to at least Reiki Level 1 and provide evidence of your attunement(s)
COST: From £40 (includes handouts & certificate of attendance)
DURATION: One-day workshop

Just for Today
This one-day workshop includes meditation & practical activities exploring the Reiki Precepts and how to incorporate them into your daily life.
"The secret method of inviting blessings, the spiritual medicine of many illnesses
(Shôfuku no hihô, Manbyo no rei yaku)
Just for today (Kyo dake wa):
Don't get angry (Okoru na)
Don't worry (Shinpai su na)
Be grateful (Kansha shite)
Work hard (Gyo wo hage me)
Be kind to others (Hito ni shinsetsu ni)
Mornings and evenings sit in the gassho position and repeat these words out loud and in your heart
(Asa you gassho shite kokoro ni neji kuchi ni tonaeyo)
For the improvement of mind and body (Shin shin kaizen)
Usui Spiritual Healing Method (Usui Reiki Ryoho)
The founder, Mikao Usui (Chossô, Usui Mikao)"
This workshop is suitable for all levels of Reiki, from Level 1 to Master Teacher.
COST From £40 (includes handouts & certificate of attendance)
DURATION One-day workshop

Listen to the Reiki
Escape the hustle and bustle of our technology-filled world and spend some time with Helen, tuning in to the Reiki and relaxing.
A Reiki-filled day of self-treatment, guided visualisation, meditating, stilling the mind & listening to the Reiki, allowing it to guide you. It provides an opportunity for
- those whose Reiki practice has fallen by the wayside, to reconnect
- practitioners who are always treating others to ‘treat’ themselves
- Reiju Empowerment to strengthen your connection to Reiki
- Hatsurei Ho
- Reiji Ho
A mini Reiki retreat! This workshop is suitable for all levels of Reiki from level 1 to Master Teacher.
COST From £25 to £50
DURATION Half-day workshop or full day retreat

Reiki Shares & Gatherings
On occasions I organise Reiki Share evenings or Reiki Gatherings. The aim of these events is for people to come along and give & receive Reiki Shuchu (this is where a group of Reiki practitioners give Reiki to one person and everyone takes it in turn to be the receiver). The Reiki Gatherings tend to take place in an afternoon and include:
- Reiju Empowerment
- Reiki Drum Journey
- Hatsurei Ho
- Reiki Shuchu
I like to keep the cost down for these events so the Reiki Shares are £5 per person (unless you have trained with me, in which case £4) and the Reiki Gatherings are £10 per person (my students pay £8).

Five Element Reiki
As part of my Reiki Level 3 (Shinpiden) course I introduce students to the Chinese Five Elements and techniques for working with them in a Reiki practice.
If you are an experienced Reiki Practitioner (at least level 2) and would like to learn about this and how you can enhance your Reiki practice with the Five Elements then look out for a new course coming soon!

Get Ready to Start Teaching Reiki
If you are a Reiki Master Teacher but have yet to start running your own classes or workshops then maybe this mini-guide online course is for you!
Five lessons in video, format each with a downloadable PDF supplement to help you go from thinking about teaching to planning and running your first Reiki Level 1 class! All for £25!