Reiki Level I - Treating the Self, Friends & Family (Shoden)
A series of classes spread over 5 weeks covering Reiki Level 1 designed to provide ongoing support and continual development. Classes typically run for around 2 1/2 hours, though may sometimes be longer. depending on class size.
The 5 sessions cover:
- History of Reiki
- Reiki Lineage
- The Reiki Precepts (Gokai)
- Energy Exercises & developing your sensitivity
- Introduction to chakras & aura
- All about Attunements & Empowerments
- Level 1 Attunement
- Self -treatment
- 21-day cleansing
- Treating others
- Byosen Reikan Ho & Reiji Ho
- Mawashi
- Power Symbol & its uses
For more information including Terms & Conditions, Fees, Payment Options etc email Helen
To book online click here